Detroit Pistons & NBA Talk

Tobias Harris is available now

Modern is #1 with a bullet, so you did good. Thereā€™s a whole long story, etc., but all these places basically start with disaffected Pepeā€™s employees starting their own Pizza place (in the case of The Bar, my #2, itā€™s a disaffected Modern employee starting their own place, but Modern was a disaffected Pepeā€™s guy, soā€¦).

Pepeā€™s is the UR-NH Pizza, and back in my time as a HS kid (I was born in, grew up in, lived in New Haven) was definitely my #1 but that was prior to mass franchising.

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Any time youā€™ve got a chance to sign a guy who went 0-2 for 0 points in an elimination game to a big money contract, you canā€™t miss that opportunity


Fully expecting the Pistons to give him that contract though, because now that the Kings are functional, the Pistons are easily the worst-run NBA franchise. Iā€™m a diehard, but I donā€™t think things are going to get better unless Gores sells.


Tobias Harris is obviously a rotation level NBA player still so signing him in general is not necessarily horrible provided the # and situation make sense. God knows about the former, but I have a hard time seeing what purpose a guy on the wrong side of 30 serves for this team, and I have a bad feeling theyā€™d be signing him because he scored 20 ppg in the not too distant past, in which case they wouldnā€™t be looking at the prior role. Heā€™s still a good positional defender, and I donā€™t think is AS washed offensively as heā€™s seemed.

I hope the Pistons draft a non-shooting wing to help pair with Cade and Ivey. I wouldnā€™t want to accidentally build a good fit roster or give them spacing lol


I personally think they will take Knecht who, and I bet nobody will agree with this, would be a profoundly bad pick. 23 year olds beasting college kids doesnā€™t strike me as the most fertile ground, his rapid ascension aside. Would much much rather see a Reed Sheppard or something. Knecht is just so strong compared to the rest of college hoops, I just wonder how that works in the NBA. The NBA guy I think of is honestly (sorry everyone) Tobias Harris.

I like Dillingham too but canā€™t claim that makes any sense for them at the moment (your take, which I 100% agree with - ā€œjust take a Kentucky guardā€)


Iā€™m sort of with you on Knecht. The problem is there are no good shooting wings at the top of the draft this year and Knecht is easily the best fit. Does that make him good? Absolutely not lol

Iā€™m still a believer in Ivey so drafting another on-ball guard would be tough.

Iā€™d love to trade down, get a future pick, and take Knecht

Yeah, I mean current state aside there are way worse things you can do than draft Tobias Harris, but I think weā€™ve seen repeatedly that heā€™s a guy who doesnā€™t really scale particularly well on a good team - heā€™s not a good enough shooter to scale up his efficiency on lower usages, heā€™s sort of a guy that can get his own stuff with his strength at moderate efficiency. The sort of guy that can turn a 35 team into a 40 win team but not a 45 win team into a 50 win team if that makes sense.

Knechtā€™s game just reminds me a ton of that - ok shooter, but not awesome. Handles well enough to use his size/strength to bull reasonable 2 point looks at volume. Probably a solid positional defender but not a playmaker.

You mean like Ausar Thompson?

Need more!

The fundamental problem they had last year (and still have) is ā€œto what degree is this group of youngsters good enough to draft a guy who fits with themā€

my personal take is ā€œnot at all, forget fit, you maybe have 1 all star hereā€

The best case of this road is like, the '20-'21 Bulls, where they decided to add veteran pieces to the ā€œyoung coreā€ of Lavine, White, and Williamsā€¦and then it turned out those guys werenā€™t a core, and now theyā€™re an (old) perrenial play-in team!


Given the opportunity to take Shepard or Clingan they should do it but neither feels at all like the Weaver thing to do given the make up of the roster.

Man, you guys have the worst lottery luck.


Classic. Straight up bs


I would be fine with Buzelis

Iā€™m actually so mad. Why even have a franchise in Detroit?

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Eh, if thereā€™s a lottery where it doesnā€™t matter, itā€™s this one.

Gores needs to hire the POBO so he can fire Monty and Weaver. Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s the hold up on this one other than the fact that Gores is absent and in California.

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They may be looking at guys whose teams are still in the playoffs. At least I hope thatā€™s the case.

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I donā€™t really understand how they can deny permission. I thought it was just a courtesy to ask more than anything. How can they prevent him from talking to the Pistons?