Detroit Pistons & NBA Talk

Not by much. Bey is a turnstile on defense and is a streaky shooter. A lot of Pistons fans are overrating him

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Here we are


That’s fine but Flynn is barely an NBA player

funny little tidbit, me and Malachi Flynn played on the same football team when we were in 4th grade. Went undefeated and won the championship. Shoutout to the Lakes Lancers!


Okay but is he following Dusty May on Instagram

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Classically, Malichi Flynn follows up his 50-piece by going 0-12 from the floor and scoring 3 points.


He used all his buckets!

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G league teams are considerably better now than 20 years ago.


24/25 wins over under, 24.5

  • Over
  • Under
0 voters

I will never pick an over for them until they show they can do it. Not that I bet them over to begin with


Smashing the over after Weaver gives Tobias Harris a big contract. That will make them a contender

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DTW IS a Delta hub, right?

So could be something. Could also be nothing! I’m from CT and can tell you Bradley (Hartford) basically doesn’t fly to any non-hubs!

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Yuck. Sorry about that!

CT is fine. It’s boring! It’s fine. Not a “yuck” really. Now that my parents are gone from there doubt I’ll ever return? Maybe a brilliant child of mine goes to Yale, and then a 35 year old @DMB43 can spam posts about them.

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I know you like to present as even keeled and reasonable on the board, but your take that Connecticut is “fine” is completely unhinged.

(But obviously I’m just messing with you! CT for whatever reason is the easiest state to poke fun at. I actually just made it to New Haven for the first time a month or two ago. Pizza was pretty good. Other than the awful rain storm we lucked into, no real complaints from a quick day trip.)

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I am currently slapping myself to avoid posting 800 words on the various New Haven Pizza places in ranked order list form.

Well I’m just baiting you now, but we tried Modern Apizza over some of the competitors, assuming that was the most authentic New Haven experience available to us. Maybe my travel process (weirdos on Reddit) steered me wrong though?