Detroit Pistons & NBA Talk

But if those sacrifices lead to championships for their football counterparts it will be worth the sacrifices to the sports gods

How stupid was that?

Iā€™m just putting down my marker:

If they trade for Pascal Siakam, I am going to die of sarcastic laughter.

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Lol I stopped paying attention when they were up 19 in the 2nd, they lost by 20?


At one point they were up 20, but were already behind by halftime. I think they had a point where they had 5 straight possessions with a turnover and they went about 9 minutes without a FG.
Somehow, after being down by 13, they came back to tie it. They dusted off the corpse of Joe Harris, and he made 3 3-pointers.
However, after tying it up, they had another drought and lost by 21.

To the best of my knowledge, their three biggest leads this season have been:
Up 18 vs. Portland.
Up 21 vs. Boston
Up 20 vs. Sacto.

Theyā€™ve lost all three.


Apparently, JEIII said they were in talks with Hayes for contract extension and it went south that Hayes is no longer in the plans which is why they went after the guards in the off-season. Monty vouched for Hayes which is why heā€™s still on the team. Just fire everybody if itā€™s true. Hayes has shown nothing to warrant a contract extension before this season.


Hayes had maybe an extended version of his good stretch, earlier this year. Then he got sick. Ever since returning, heā€™s been well below replacement-level. The last time he took 5 or more shots in a game and hit over 40% was December 8th. Thatā€™s 11 games.

In the past, he seems to play better as a starter. So, I thought last night might give him a boost, and he actually did play well (as did everyone) in the first quarter. However, he wound up with a 6 turnover performance, and 1-4 shooting. He hadnā€™t done worse than a 3 TO game prior to yesterday.

The Pistons are the worst ball handling team in the league. And one of the worst teams in creating their own shot.

Am I the only one who smiles and smh just a little more each time I notice the headline of this thread?


Oh god I just looked and saw it was slyboogie!

The eternal optimist

He doesnā€™t play well whether if heā€™s starting or coming off the bench. Heā€™s not an NBA player. Defense donā€™t bother to guard him which is why his TO # is so low because heā€™s not a threat. Iā€™ve heard heā€™s considered to be a good defender, but Iā€™ve yet to see evidence on court that he is a good one.

The reality is the roster construction sucked and there is probably 4 NBA caliber players on the roster. Thatā€™s why they stink out loud.


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Weā€™re starting to figure out that we can score when we space the floor properly.

Monty is like 2 weeks from saying something like ā€œIt hadnā€™t occurred to me that we should be trying to score and prevent them from scoring - Iā€™ll eat that oneā€


Canā€™t get over how bad they are. I thought theyā€™d start to look better and show some hope for the future.

What are your hopes for the deadline?

That they donā€™t trade a young guy or picks to get a 32 year old who can help them avoid ā€œworst record everā€ (ok to trade wiseman though)

I mean, that Ivey quote - for it not to occur to Monty to play Ivey as a lead ball handler - would require that he literally did not watch any of their finalā€¦.50?ā€¦.games?

There is a real chance the first time he saw any of these guys play was training camp


I still root for you guys. I still like some of your guys in a vacuum too. Just not a good mix right now. I donā€™t see enough to comment on the whole games.

Itā€™s unfortunate the way the lottery has fallen for you all some years in terms of whoā€™s available at certain picks.

I was never as high on Cade as others and that was the only year you had a top 3 pick in all this stinking.

Iā€™d never have expected you guys to be this bad though. When you started 2-1 I was actually confident you guys were gonna have a solid year with development. Miss the playoffs , but be competitive enough to show youā€™re trending in the right direction with a good shooting wing next year.

Besides shooting what else is going on?

I knew he was coming off the bench at first, who was running point?

A complete lack of NBA quality players. The bench has got to be the worst in the league, just awful.