Detroit Pistons & NBA Talk

Our boy Livers is now the ire of the entire Pistons fanbase. He has been awful, the injuries have truly caught up to him.

This is the end of the line for him in the NBA. extremely unlikely he ever gets another shot. But 4 million dollars in 3 years is nothing to scoff at for him


At least it seems like he was OK last night?

The upside is that he probably has the rest of the season to turn it around, but at current trajectory itā€™s hard to see a way forward for him that doesnā€™t involve some image rehab at a lower competition level.

Jaden Ivey got 21 minutes which is absurd considering heā€™s their top 3-4 player on the team. Granted Burks shot the ball well last night, but thatā€™s not ideal. Plus his dad thinks Monty is an idiot with his subtweet. My guess is Jaden did everything right while being a good teammate internally and likely privately complained about his role to his parents.

Livers was already clinging to his NBA career by a thread given his extensive injury history, but hard not to be a little mad at Monty for rushing him back into a significant role right away before he had done any rehab in the G-League to get his shot dialed in. As Duncan has showed us, thereā€™s a role for a shooting wing that can be a competent defender. I think Livers can be that and have a role in the NBAā€¦but there are a lot of similar guys and if heā€™s going to be injury prone and not hit threes heā€™s expendable.

Canā€™t ignore the gap in being a member of the best player development franchise in the NBA and arguably the worst (I understand a large part of player development is talent identification, but the Heat are clearly way better at finding randos who can be genuine NBA players, whether theyā€™re made or found (probably both!))

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Watching the game last night Ivey comes off poorly. Consistently last night when the team was playing well teammates were into the game except Ivey. Itā€™s easy to blame the coach soā€¦ Ivey carries no responsibility for this. Still think Sharpe was the better play.

Ivey gave a hilarious quote last night in postgame that was like ā€œI played off ball at Purdue. Iā€™m great off ball. Iā€™m happy off ball. Off ball is fine. But I need the ball to make playsā€

He ainā€™t long for Detroit

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Yep saw 2 plays where he played off ball only to demand the ball go hero ball and brick 2 shots. If Ivey played as well as he talked he would be all NBA.

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Donā€™t think you and Buckets are saying the same thing

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Sharpe might have been the better pick, but Ivey is who we have and Ivey is who the franchise should do its best to develop.

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Agreed and Ivey should value D as well. I just find it fascinating that Ivey is getting carte blanche with people and Monty gets pooped on. When your biggest offseason move is getting a coach and Joe Harris thatā€™s not good.

They signed the most expensive coach in history

Sure but last time i checked thereā€™s no salary cap for coaches. That doesnā€™t mean Monty has to be better Iā€™m sure he knows that. Iā€™m not sure we can say the same for Ivey.

Well, youā€™ve made up your mind

I do not get this blame it on Monty Williams thing. He has to learn his players to see what he has. The main issue at this point to me is not one player can keep his man in front of him, including Ivey and Cade. They also have to be the worse switching team in the NBA. Cade and Boggie are the worse of the lot with Ivey not far behind. Make-up of the roster is a Weaver issue. Better hope the top potential draftees are difference makers at this point and hope weaver can sucker some GM into taking his mistakes. (He is not going anywhere).

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To be this bad the failure is comprehensive

If you donā€™t see the silliness in ostracizing a second year player off a promising roomies season, play non shooters at the two and three simultaneously, and not knowing what a ā€œstagger of startersā€ is

Well god bless ya


Time to make a run to 15 wins

Lol why on earth

If Cadeā€™s knee injury pairs up with Dugā€™s ineligibility, these teams are truly tied at the hip