Detroit Pistons & NBA Talk

I’m willing to be generous bc he’s being asked to play the 1 and we’re certain he’s not that but I’d imagine it’s more dire than I said. Not willing to be more definitive bc I dk, I haven’t looked at a billion DARKO player time series to tell you how they usually play out. Poole’s an example of a guy who was obvi that had and turned into something resembling a useful NBA player. At least for a second.

It’s not predictive, and the young guys can be an exception but I think the larger idea is obviously what Colin said (teams that are historically bad often don’t have much of value) but also maybe more mildly, at the very least the level of suck here should make everyone revise their opinion of all involved down a bit. Like, the hope was that Cade could be a Luka/Harden - if he was, they wouldn’t be this bad. So who is he? Could still be a Khris Middleton (a really good player, but not foundational)

Obviously exceptions will always exist and the Pistons guys may be the exception. But the degree to which they are bad I think says something about the quality of the pieces.

I’ve been arguably the most critical voice here for like three years, but having bad GM’s and bad coaches isn’t unique in this phylum of team

Yeah I don’t have an objection with any of that. But Duren for example is 20 and has played 14 games. I wouldn’t change my opinion on him at this point.

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If we are being fair, 22 year old Harden wouldn’t have been carrying this Pistons team to any greater heights than what Cade is doing. Half of these players should be in the GLeague. And of the guys that are actual NBA players, how many would be starters on a decent team? Anyone besides Cade? Maybe Bogdanovic? So it’s no surprise that a roster of NBA backups and GLeaguers is terrible. The Pistons front office has set Cade up to fail with their horrible roster assembly.

Also a fun hypothetical, which NBA players, if any, would be able to get this Pistons roster (minus Cade because we are substituting them) to be in contention for a play-in spot?

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mostly the speech bubble here has been my internal monologue reading your posts in this thread today


Cade is a good player. He’s not the person who can be relied on to change the fortunes of an entire franchise in complete disrepair but he’s head and shoulders above anyone this team and any every single NBA squad would be more than happy to have him.

Cade Cunningham’s last 15: 24/4/7 on 46/35/88 splits for 57%TS, 3 TO per game and 2:1 AST ratio.

To say he hasn’t been better than Olynyk, Bojan, or even Jerami Grant, is unfair. By fair the best player in Detroit since Blake Griffin.


Today? Or the last three years? I think like once a month I’ve been like “oh mgl covered this, whew, I can spend my haterade elsewhere.”

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Just for funsies, here’s some rando types that may or may not seem fair, I dk

do you guys have some sort of meetings? like the local chapter of Bulls Fans Who Have Detailed Thoughts About Pistons Leadership or something?


lol yeah it’s a bunch of of us Michigan-adjacents deciding to stick w the Bulls or bail to the Pistons being all



See, my experience is the sentence at the bottom

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76ers trio of Embiid/Maxey/Harris score 97 of their 121 in a 10 point won. Must be nice

The Tigers and Wings aren’t that bad (if those are the other two you’re thinking of).
The Pistons are on a whole other level of hideousness.

So with Monty Williams possibly not working out (going out on a limb here) … can Bill Laimbeer finally get his shot? The man’s been a hugely successful WNBA coach. I want to see it happen.

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right, but neither looks like the guys they spent draft capital on are going to work out in the way they need them to (bit unfair to the wings, since what they really needed was for those guys to hit well above their draft slots). they both just seem like tanks that resulted in a mushy middle team

in any case, rough choice for this person’s license plate:

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In the not so far past the Tigers had like the 2nd or 3rd worst season of modern era

The Lions went 1-15 AND 0-16

Wings are just bad apparently

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wings were on pace to have roughly the worst season in modern NHL history before the pandemic stopped it!

Maybe relevant

I coach the 5/6th grade team and 7/8th grade team at my kids elementary school

And had begged the kids to watch pro or college basketball (women or men) to see how often they pass to open up teammates and don’t just dribble aimlessly

The next practice a kid shows up and says “I watched game last night and it seemed like they just shoot after one pass.”

And I said “It sounds like you were watching the Bulls.”

“Yes, against the Spurs.”